Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lindsay Aline - Illusion (2009)

I was recently approached by the management of Lindsay Aline requesting that I review her debut album, Illusion

Upon first listen I'll be the first to admit this is not normally the kind of music I would listen to.  It's generally a bit too light for my tastes.

That being said there's no denying Ms. Aline's talent her voice is reminiscent of Evanessence's Amy Lee.  Her style is closer to My Immortal than to Wake Me Up Inside

There's a haunting yearning in her vocal delivery on most songs.  While there is some variance of style from song to song there's a bit too much similarity for my tastes.  All of the songs are relaxing and easy to listen to and could easily stand on their own.  But the sum of the whole does show a lack of variety.

All of that aside, this is Ms. Aline's debut album and as far as debut albums it's certainly a worthy outing.  I can't help feeling that she's holding back though.  As I listen to songs like What Would It Be Like (easily my favorite on the album or Pop My Collar with its beautiful muted trumpet backing her hauntingly beautiful voice. I can't help but feel Lindsay is giving but a glimpse of herself...  She's giving just enough of herself to whet the listener's appetite.  There is an undercurrent of untapped potential that resonates under each song.  Even if that talent is never FULLY realized Lindsay is talented enough that she'll have a respectable career.  But if she ever really taps into her full potential she will be a force to be reckoned with.

If you're looking for a relaxing Sunday afternoon CD, Illusion should certainly fit that bill, but I do challenge Ms. Aline dig deeper, the talent is undeniably there.  She's given us a taste of what she's capable of, next time I hope she feeds us the meal. (7 out of 10)

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Lindsay Aline

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